Choose UniSuper as your default option
We’re a super fund for all Australians
We’re an open fund and trusted to look after the superannuation of over 647,000# Australians.
Personalised payroll support
Our exceptional service makes super easier through personalised payroll support, seminars, training and calculators.
Online contributions process
Access our online contributions platform to quickly and easily approve and upload super contributions processing.
#Over 647,000 members as at 31 March 2024.
Already partnered with UniSuper?
As part of your partnership with us, you have access to our employer resources to help manage your super obligations.
SuperPay makes managing, processing and uploading contributions data quick and easy and is a free online platform that is SuperStream compliant.
Change of ATO gateway provider
UniSuper is changing its contribution gateway provider from Westpac to SuperChoice, effective 15 February 2025. Due to this transition, certain SuperStream message types will not be sent to UniSuper between 25 January 2025 and 14 February 2025. The message types impacted include Government Contribution Transaction Request (GCTR) and Government Contribution Transaction Advice Response (GCTAR). The ATO will then release these messages to UniSuper on 15 February 2025.
What does this mean for our Employers?
Between 25 January 2025 and 14 February 2025, we will be shortening our processing time for the refund of contributions that cannot be allocated to a member account. A small subset of employers may receive messages via email either from UniSuper or their gateway with details of refunds. Please contact with any questions or assistance required.