Responsible for a better future

We’re taking active steps towards a better tomorrow, from making our corporate spaces carbon neutral, to setting climate targets for our investment portfolios and funding innovative research and tech.

We support initiatives that deliver positive impacts for people and the planet. That's because we believe in a future worth retiring for.

Our corporate operations

We aim to maintain carbon neutrality across UniSuper’s offices and operations through energy-saving and digital-transformation initiatives, while purchasing carbon offsets in projects that help the environment too.

Energy saving

We source all our energy through GreenPower, operate from well-rated NABERS offices, and switched our head office to energy efficient LED lighting.

Digital transformation

Since our app launched in April 2022, it’s become a pivotal tool to communicate with and empower our members, cutting down on paper use.

Carbon offsets

We offset for operational emissions UniSuper produces. We favour Australia-based projects with societal and environmental benefits.

Responsible and sustainable investment

Responsible and sustainable investing is, for us, about identifying quality companies with good environmental, social and governance practices that deliver sustainable, long-term returns for our members.1

Responsible investment

Major environment, social and governance factors inform our investment decisions. See how we deliver long-term returns and support a better tomorrow.

Climate change

We're managing risks and nurturing opportunities as part of our climate commitment to invest in a sustainable future. See our progress so far.

Member choice

We offer three options that allow members to limit exposure to certain industries or invest in companies addressing environmental issues.1

Working with industry

Principles for Responsible Investment

A signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, which we reference in reporting on our approach to ESG practices and performance.

2022 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis

One of 532 signatories to this call to action for governments to urgently address climate change.

Climate Action 100+ signatory

A global, investor-led initiative urging necessary action from the world’s major corporate greenhouse gas emitters.

Pathway to net zero

We endorse the Paris Agreement, an international treaty aimed at limiting global warming.

We’ve set climate targets for our portfolios and have committed to achieving net-zero emissions across our investment portfolio by 2050.

News and insights

Carbon-neutral operations
We've activated several initiatives to focus on decarbonising our corporate offices and operations.

Read about how we're looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
UniSuper invests in sustainable Tasmanian plantation forest
We're pleased to let our members know about our new timber investment in Tasmania's largest hardwood plantation estate, Forico.
Our approach to climate
In 2023, we continued to progress towards our goal of net zero emissions across our investment portfolio by 2050.
  • Things you need to know

    1 Terms like 'responsible', 'sustainable' and 'environmental' mean different things to different people, including when paired with the words 'investment' or 'investing'. Different products have different investment criteria. Read our website to learn about what we mean when we talk about our sustainable and environmental branded options, and the investment criteria that determines how these products are invested.

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