We lead by example

At UniSuper, good governance is about doing the right thing by our members, employees and communities.

It helps us to make fair and ethical decisions, respect laws and regulations, prevent or mitigate risks and operate transparently.

These standards underpin how we do business at UniSuper. For us, it's not only 'what' you achieve but also 'how' you achieve it that's important.

This is UniSuper

We maintain policies, practices, structures and leadership which foster our good corporate behaviour and governance.
Our people
Find out about our board, the executive leadership team, and the committees that manage and govern UniSuper. CEO Peter Chun heads our leadership team.
Annual reports
Our annual reports are an overview of UniSuper, the performance of our investment options, our corporate administration and financial statements.
Annual members’ meeting
Our members’ meeting is held annually – both live streamed and in person. Our Chair, CEO and Executives share updates, and members can ask questions.


Read our investment reports and policies for detail on how we consider corporate governance in our investments.
Download our Climate report (PDF, 10.39 MB) for more on our fund’s progress towards net-zero emissions by 2050.

Responsible investment report

Our responsible investment report shows our responsible investment policy in action. It also details how we used our proxy voting rights with the companies we've invested in.

Climate risk and our investments report

Discover how we engage with companies on a wide range of ESG issues. Explore governance and member choice. Learn how we manage climate risk in our investment options.

Investment policies and publications

Our responsible investment policies, statements and reports detail the standards and principles guiding our approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

Modern slavery in focus

Modern slavery is a significant and complex global issue impacting some of the most vulnerable people in society.

It’s an important issue we consider in both our investments and in our own internal operations.

Our values

Genuine care, better together, a passion for outcomes – are values that we live by at UniSuper. These are intrinsic to the needs of people, and guide our contribution to creating a better society, both within and outside our organisation.

We demonstrate genuine care

We share a passion for outcomes

We're better together

Looking for something else?

Social responsibility

Interested in what UniSuper does to nurture culture, diversity, equity and inclusion?

Looking for our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) or approach to human rights risks across our investments and supply chain?

Find out more in our social corporate responsibility section.

Environment and corporate responsibility

Discover how UniSuper looks at environmental governance across our investments and corporate operations.

Read how we are working to reduce emissions, drive sustainable change at companies we invest in and seize opportunities to operate sustainably.

Member outcomes assessments

See our latest annual Member Outcomes Assessments for our MySuper (Balanced), accumulation and pension products.

Compare our results, based on data from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

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