Where will your income come from in retirement?

While you’re working, your income usually comes from your employer. But when you retire, your income could come from several different sources – and it’s not just your super savings.

You could get an income from a range of sources, including:

  • your super savings
  • the government Age Pension
  • your personal savings
  • the equity from your home
  • other investments outside of your super, and
  • any salary you receive if you choose to work in retirement.

Everyone is going to have a different combination.

Turning your super savings into retirement income

Once you are eligible, you can use your super to open a retirement income pension account and pay yourself a regular income.

We offer different pension products that can be looked at as building blocks. You can choose a flexible income pension (like our Flexi Pension) or a lifetime pension (like our lifetime income streams). Or you could combine the two,

Flexi Pension and our lifetime pension options have different features but, if you’re a UniSuper member, you can take advantage of these different building blocks to create your own retirement income solution. A product combination approach allows you to balance different objectives. Just make sure you stay within the pension’s annual minimum and maximum limits.

More about our retirement products

The government Age Pension

Many retirees supplement their retirement income with the Age Pension.

If you’re eligible, you could qualify for a full or part pension, plus concessions and health care benefits — and this can make a difference to your lifestyle in retirement. Eligibility depends on several factors, including your age and a means test of your assets and income.

Tell me more about the Age Pension

Need help from an expert?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t know what to plan for. Talking with one of our experts can help you maximise your income and Age Pension benefits to support the life you want to live and can do wonders for your peace of mind. You may have more options than you think, so let an expert guide you.

More about financial advice

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