UniSuper's sustainable and environmental branded options

The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) has classified our Sustainable Balanced, Sustainable High Growth and Global Environmental Opportunities investment options as ‘Sustainable Plus’.

We’re pleased to let our members know that our Sustainable Balanced, Sustainable High Growth and Global Environmental Opportunities (GEO) investment options have been classified as ‘Sustainable Plus’ by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA).1

This means that the responsible investment practices which we apply to the investments in these options have been verified by RIAA under the Responsible Investment Certification Program.

RIAA’s Sustainable Plus classification is their highest product classification. UniSuper is one of only a few Australian superannuation funds with a product classified as Sustainable Plus.2

What investment choices do I have?

As a UniSuper member, you can choose from 16 investment options with different strategies and risk profiles.  These include our three RIAA certified sustainable and environmental branded investment options.3 These three options allow members to limit their exposure to certain sectors like fossil fuels and/or to invest in companies whose business activities seek to address global and environmental issues and opportunities. Read more about our sustainable and environmental branded options here.

Our Sustainable High Growth and Sustainable Balanced options invest across a range of asset classes such as shares and unlisted assets.

Our GEO option invests primarily in global shares, it's a very high-risk option and is designed to be combined with other options to create a strategy that’s right for you. 

Investing your super responsibly

While we apply specific criteria to the investments in our sustainable and environmental branded options, key ESG considerations like climate change, worker health and safety, and executive remuneration, are considered across our major investment holdings. We're continually looking for quality investments that we expect can provide long-term returns for our members. Find out more about our responsible investment approach here.


How we can help 

As everyone’s circumstances are different, it’s important to make a choice that’s right for you. We suggest seeking qualified financial advice. You can also talk to UniSuper Advice if you need help.4 Your first appointment with UniSuper Advice is at no extra cost, and your super consultant may suggest personalised advice if you need more help. 

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UniSuper’s Sustainable Balanced, Sustainable High Growth, and Global Environmental Opportunities investment options have been certified and classified by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia according to the operational and disclosure practices required under the Responsible Investment Certification Program. See www.responsiblereturns.com.au and RIAA's Financial Services Guide for details. The Responsible Investment Certification Program provides general advice only and does not take into account any person’s objectives, financial situation, or needs. Neither the Certification Symbol nor RIAA recommends to any person that any financial product is a suitable investment or that returns are guaranteed. Because of this, you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs and also consider the terms of any product disclosure document before making an investment decision. Certifications are current for 24 months and subject to change at any time.

2 Based on RIAA’s Certified Product List as at 1 June 2024.

3 Sustainable and environmental investing means different things to different people. Different products have different investment criteria. Read our sustainable and environmental branded options page and How we invest your money (PDF, 1.27 MB) booklet to find out what sustainable and environmental investing means to us and what our investment options invest in. 

4 UniSuper Advice is operated by UniSuper Management Pty Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799 (USM), which is licensed to provide financial product advice. USM is also the administrator of the fund UniSuper ABN 91 385 943 850 (UniSuper). UniSuper Limited ABN 54 006 027 121 is the trustee of UniSuper.

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